

Level 4 Ventures is a leader in business analytics, with support for cost model development, cost estimating, budget support, project oversight, complex acquisition support, and special financial studies.



Level 4 Ventures, Inc. applies computer models, industry benchmark data, and extensive experience to helping Senior Management, Project Management Offices, and Project Managers optimize their decision making and ensure success.



Level 4’s ExcelerPlan is the most flexible and powerful estimation tool available today, supporting estimation related requirement capture, estimation of all project costs, and earned value management based project status tracking.



Learn standardized, process, and benchmark driven approaches to ensuring successful IT projects.
 Level 4 ‘s IT Project Success Training is an instructor led, virtual training program offering up-to 36 PDUs in total. 


Worth total projects estimated


Independent Estimates

Since 1993


Independent Cost Estimation

Level 4 has prepared more than 500 independent cost estimates covering projects with a combined value over $7B, with a combined accuracy to date better than +/-5%.

Independent cost estimates are used by government agencies as part of the feasibility/budgeting process; used to support vendor negotiations; and used to verify cost reasonableness in situations where less than three vendor bids are available as required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations. For large procurements, independent cost proposals may be requested by a bidder to support their cost proposal development, or to perform a competitive pricing analysis.

A formal independent cost estimation process integrated in the change management process is particularly critical for large, long-term projects. These projects will normally have a significant number of change requests over the life of the project, and by their nature these change requests will be non-competitive. Without a previously agreed to estimation oversight function, there are few if any constraints on the vendor when pricing each change request.

Project Approval Lifecycle

Navigating the Project Approval Lifecycle Process (PAL) demands meticulous planning, strategic decision-making, and collaboration among stakeholders, sponsors, and experts. Yet, many government agencies lack the necessary tools and expertise, leading to challenges like cost overruns and delays.

At Level 4 Ventures, we offer PAL support services tailored to government agencies' needs. Our expertise covers project initiation, budgeting, regulatory compliance, proposal development, implementation, performance monitoring, stakeholder engagement, and training.

Utilizing our innovative tool, ExcelerPlan, streamlines document generation, saving time and ensuring accuracy throughout the PAL process.

Our team stands ready to assist agencies in every phase of PAL, providing expertise and cutting-edge technology to achieve their unique goals. Contact us today to learn more about navigating the complexities of the project approval lifecycle process efficiently and effectively.

Planning,Programming, Budgeting and Monitoring

Level 4 supports complex government planning, programming, budgeting, and monitoring (PPBE) activities for programs of all sizes.

Planning: Identifying and tailoring required deliverables; development of integrated project master work breakdown structures and schedules; and development of project management supporting plans (e.g., Risk Management Plan).

Programming: Supporting the process of optimally selecting and scheduling of projects within a resource constrained environment, and forecasting the impact of various possible scenarios for project execution.

Budgeting: Budget formulation, justification, and execution.

Part of this work involves working within organization specific review, approval, and oversight structures for projects.

Monitoring: Monitoring project and portfolio performance using a combination of fiduciary oversight (e.g., expenditure reconciliation) and techniques such as earned value management (EVM). Exceler Plan implements an extension to traditional EVM with support for monitoring project health across the dimensions of schedule, cost, eRort, quality, and risk

Organizational Change Management

Efficiently managing organizational changes is pivotal for government agencies' success, involving structural shifts, new processes, or emerging technologies. How can these changes be effectively implemented throughout agencies?

Government bodies encounter numerous challenges during transitions, risking financial strain, reputational damage, or project failure due to inadequate change management.

At Level 4 Ventures, we aid agencies in navigating organizational changes, ensuring informed decisions and supporting impacted stakeholders for positive outcomes.

Strong organizational change management facilitates smooth transitions, informed decision-making, and better resource allocation, enhancing stakeholder satisfaction.

Our tailored services cover project planning, budgeting, schedule management, stakeholder communication, quality and resource management, and project evaluation.

Adaptation to change is imperative. Contact us today to explore how our professional organizational change management services can enhance your operations.

IT Project & Legacy

Efficient IT project management and legacy modernization are imperative for government agencies, often challenged by outdated software and tight budgets. Stricter security and compliance standards further complicate matters.

How can agencies enhance their IT management and streamline processes?

Navigating government IT projects demands research, communication, and advanced technology. Professional services aid agencies in improving existing processes, ensuring stakeholder satisfaction, and achieving better outcomes.

Effective IT project management optimizes processes, enhances scalability, reduces maintenance costs, and fortifies cybersecurity. Level 4 Ventures offers comprehensive IT project management solutions tailored for government needs.

Legacy modernization tackles obsolete software, reducing maintenance expenses and downtime. Our approach involves assessing legacy systems, devising modernization strategies, executing migrations, and integrating with emerging technologies.

Our skilled team collaborates with market experts to deliver premier IT project management services to government agencies. Contact Level 4 Ventures to explore how our expertise can benefit your organization's IT projects and modernization efforts.

Business Process Re-engineering

Effective Business Process Reengineering/Optimization (BPR/O) is pivotal for government agencies, demanding extensive knowledge and advanced resources. Navigating these processes necessitates thorough research and analysis, including work, time, and motion studies. At Level 4 Ventures, our adept team utilizes cutting-edge technology and trusted expertise to assist government agencies. Our seasoned consultants aid in optimization, new process implementation, and performance assessments.

Benefits of BPR/O:

  • Improved Efficiency and Productivity
  • Cost Savings and Resource Optimization
  • Enhanced Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction
  • Greater Agility and Adaptability
  • Alignment with Organizational Goals

BPR/O ensures compliance with evolving regulations and promotes accountability. Despite challenges like financial constraints and technological limitations, Level 4 Ventures equips government clients with technology, resources, and expertise for effective optimization.

Our tailored services include process mapping/analysis, redesign/optimization, implementation planning/support, change management/training, and performance monitoring.

Contact us today to explore how BPR/O services could enhance your agency's efficiency, streamline operations, and advance mission objectives.

Policy Analysis and Regulatory Support

Government agencies grapple with a myriad of intricate policies and regulations, subject to constant change based on factors like contract size, industry, and government level. Non-compliance risks significant repercussions, from financial loss to legal entanglements.

How can agencies stay abreast of these evolving mandates?

At Level 4 Ventures, we recognize the criticality of compliance. Our adept team offers professional regulatory support services, including interpretation, compliance assessment, strategy development, and regulatory advocacy.

Our tailored solutions cover understanding regulations, compliance assessments, strategy development, monitoring, representation with regulatory agencies, and policy analysis.

We ensure your agency remains current and compliant, offering insights to navigate complexities or advocate for beneficial changes. Serving diverse sectors—from charter schools to transit agencies—our services uphold fairness and compliance across the board.

Economic & Financial Analysis

Level 4 offers our consulting services to provide insightful financial and economic analysis. Our practice provides data-driven perspectives to empower informed decision-making. With a focus on delivering unbiased and thorough assessments, we specialize in guiding your business strategies with precision and clarity.

We believe in the power of decision science to unlock opportunities and mitigate risks. Our team of experts combines rigorous analysis with industry expertise to oRer comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you're incentivizing or compensating, evaluating program alternative, examining investment opportunities, or optimizing resource allocation, our consulting services are designed to provide you with the strategic insights you need to succeed.

Risk Analysis, Cost Benefit, Risk Spend Efficiency

Government agencies encounter elevated financial risks compared to other entities. To navigate these challenges effectively, they rely on risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and risk spend efficiency (RSE) to inform decision-making. These tools enable agencies to mitigate risks, enhance efficiency, and optimize resources.

But how can local, state, and federal bodies manage these processes with precision and efficacy?

At Level 4 Ventures, we offer premier consulting services tailored for government agencies, encompassing risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and RSE.

Risk Analysis: Thorough risk analysis helps agencies identify potential threats and vulnerabilities, empowering them to implement effective mitigation strategies.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: By assessing anticipated costs and benefits, agencies can prioritize projects that deliver optimal value to citizens and stakeholders.

Risk Spend Efficiency (RSE): Optimizing resource allocation for risk mitigation is key. Our expertise and technology facilitate improved RSE, enhancing project success and accountability.

For professional risk analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and RSE services, contact Level 4 Ventures today.

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ExcelerPlan offers full business analytics support for planning, budgeting, and controlling individual projects.

Business Requirements: Capture business requirements at a level of detail sufficient for estimation purposes

Requirement Traceability: Trace requirements to specific estimation components, and track project progress in terms of completed business functionality

Cost/Effort/Schedule Estimation: Full support for estimation of cost, effort, schedule, engineering artifacts such as test cases, quality metrics including defects, breakdowns by role, and generation of populated work breakdown structures.

Project Status/Dashboard:Track project health across all dimensions, including schedule, effort, cost, quality, and risk.

Earned Value Management: Simple, easy to apply earned value management calculates a schedule performance index, effort performance index, cost performance index, quality performance index; forecasts of schedule, effort, and cost to complete based on performance to date; and forecasts on completion for schedule, effort, and cost based on performance to date.

Resource Planning: Model supported allocation of effort across specific organizations, organizational units, or down to individuals.



According to the latest Standish Group CHAOS report, 50% of IT projects are challenged and 19% fail outright, thereby Implying nearly 2 out of 3 projects are not fully successful.

Learn standardized, process, and benchmark driven approaches to ensuring successful IT projects in our instructor led, split virtual training program.


Founded on December 31st, 1993—Level 4 Ventures, Inc. (Level 4) is a leader in business analytics, with support for cost model development, cost estimating, budget support, project oversight, complex acquisition support, and special financial studies. We have developed benchmark databases, models, and tools to support infrastructure cost modeling; acquisition cost and schedule modeling; and benefit forecasts. We have extensive experience in the area of financial management and budget support for space-related research, development, production, and lifecycle acquisition activities.

Prime Contract Vehicles: GSA MOBIS (GS-10F-0008X), GSA Schedule 70 (GS-35F-040AA), SeaportE, multiple service agreements with California, Texas, Washington, and Florida.

Primary NAICS code: 541611 | Cage Code: 0WVF4 | DUNS: 620069398 |
GSA SINS: 874-1 Consulting Support, 874-6 Acquisition Support, 874-7 Project and Program Management,
132-51 Information Technology Professional Services.

Level 4 is a small, service disabled Veteran owned business.


Partial Client List


American Express

American Republic Insurance

Bank of America



Booz-Allen & Hamilton

CAP Gemini America

Central Intelligence Agency


Chase Manhatten

Chicago Board of Trade


Computer Associates

Defense Information Systems Agency

Ernst & Young

Federal Aviation Administration




Internal Revenue Service

State of Ohio

JP Morgan & Company


"Level 4 is committed to challenging the software paradigm of widespread over budget development by providing the market with tools and services that utilize the industry's best practices."

Bank of America, Executive Vice President Doug Sawyer

“Able to quickly adapt when the scope and priorities shifted. Very cost conscious.”

Ronald S., U.S. Department of Energy

"Cost Xpert is a comprehensive solution to software cost estimating. It supports the best estimation methodologies in practice today. Overall, we are very happy with this product."

Hans Mumm, SPAWAR

“Focused, analytic and articulate… our net savings in the Internet space was well in excess of $1 million a year…”

John O, Wells Fargo Bank

“On-time, high quality, clear, complete. Truly outstanding work.”

Joan H., Accenture

“Level 4 met or exceeded all milestones and delivered a completely satisfactory report ahead of schedule and under budget.”

Kyle D., California Public Utility Commission

“The Standish Group spoke to several government contracted software development and maintenance organizations that used [Level 4’s] Cost Xpert to calculate development project costs and to track their project effort. These organizations expressed high regard for Level 4 as a company and lauded the positive results they obtained in using the Cost Xpert product.”

The Standish Group

Partial Client List

Deloitte &Touche

Defense Logistics Agency

Department of Veteran Affairs

Department of the Treasury

Department of Agriculture

Department of Human Services

Mass Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Mutual Service Insurance

National Security Agency

Navy Center for Cost Analysis

Space and Missile Command

Patent and Trademark Office

Cambridge Consulting

Procter and Gamble


State of California


State of Washington

State of Texas

State of Colorado

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army







1100 Webster St. Ste. 2273
Oakland, CA 94607


(415) 860-6659



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